Support Our Community
All donations are tax-deductible

The Mahea Uchiyama Center for International Dance gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our donors and funders.

Institutional Funders
City of Berkeley
San Francisco Foundation
Gerbode Foundation
Center for Cultural Innovation
Kenneth Rainin Foundation
Hewlett Foundation
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts
Alameda County Arts Commission
California Arts Council
Fleishhacker Foundation
Yerba Buena Artist Convening
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Individual Donors
Leah Aguilera
Pam Akina
Kumu Hula Kawika Alfiche
Adrienne Anderson
Michele Arbios
Sara Armstrong
Erica Azim
Carol Baardsen
Angela Bau
Elaine Bautista
Marylin Beardsley
Berkeley Academy of Music
Hector Bernaldo
Sharada Bose
Brandi Brandes
Jennifer Burner
Lori & Ron Cheatham
Laura Chew
Craig and Noelle Carol Chinn
Clarisse Choy
Jenny Chu
Arlen Comfort
Gloria Aguiniga Comfort
Katie Comfort
Mauli Ola Cook
Michael Crabbe
Clarence Dahlin
Deep Hum Productions
Melanie Demore
Joanna De Sa
Amy Dewey
Radhika Dinesh
Lora Dinga
Parker Ediger
Jason Edward
Miu Eng
April Espaniola
Kevin Farey
Krista Farey
Susan Felter
Maryanne Martin Gacusan
Eric Gilmore
Susan Godes
James Goring
Robert Grossman
Asatu Hall
Emily Hawkins
Sarah Hawley-Snow
Lily Hill
Patty Hirota
Monica Kagdis
Donna Kotake
Arlene Kato
Irene Klein
Sachiko Nagai Kobori
Marilyn Kolodziejczyk
William J Rhyne & Callie S Konno
Mythili Kumar
Jennifer Kyker
Cynthia Lagendorf
Martha Larson
Deborah Lee
Mary Lee
Nancy Lee
Marjorie Leiva-Ensor
Sarah Leong
Wendy Lim
Usha Farey Lingappa
Jesus Lopez
Robert Lower
Gerisa Macale
Faith Micco
Julie Miller
Elaine Mo
Eva Mo
Andrea Molinari
Emily Mosen
Keiko Morris
Patrick Morris
Eileen Nakahira
Elizabeth Nam
Lorna Villa and Binh Nuyen
Lynne Ogawa
Allen Ogi
Myron Okada
Annette Osenga
Susan Pacheco
Luana Rivera Palacio
Beth Pao
Sandra Park
Deidre Patterson
Jeanne Pimentel
Catherine Porter
Beth Post
Liko Puha
Wei-En Raymond
Liane Rhodes
Kristin Rissanen
Mary Jean Robertson
Aileen Robles
Katherine Roseguo
Lynda Roti
Yang Ruan
Dr. Melinda Russell
Elayne Kaleikini Ryder
Amber Saberton
Suhaila Salimpour
Makasi Salonion
Amy Santana
Deborah Santana
Gilbert Santana
Betty Ann Bruno and Craig Scheiner
Seibi Lee & Joel Schoolnik
Pat Schwartz
Sheree Seretse
Maria Isabel Seyd
Lia Shigemura
Adam Silverstein
Douglas Snow
Mariko Soto
Gary Spalter
Frances Spector
Robert Steidl
Susan Felter Art
Margueritte Suzuki
Grace Taylor
Dio-Ann Valmores
Trader Vicʻs
Bhavani Judith Cook Tucker
Hoku Uchiyama
Sharon Umene
Laura Velasco
Erika Walker
Liane Watanabe
Valerie Watson
Christa Whitney
Natasha Wild
Juanita Wilson
Amanda Wong
Don Wong
Zee Wong
Lori Woods
Kelly Yamamoto
Arthur & Patricia Yamashita
Fonda Yoshimoto-Reed
Rosemary Zappulla